There are good months and bad months. This is a good one.
I’m still married to a wonderful sexy woman who puts up with me with minimal complaint.
The boy is still as cute as ever, and proving to a smart little boy.
I’ve made record time on writing reports and such, despite two of the reviewers sucking up half of my alloted time just sitting on the documents.
The IRS check showed up at the same time as my bonus from work, which was just in time to help with the closing costs on the house.
As a friend needs some financial assistance to help with hospital costs, the VA finally comes through with the money they’ve owed me since October, which makes it easy to give away 2 grand without screwing up my own family.
Same day I drop the check in the mail to pay my Amex corporate card, I get the settlement from the company for that trip.
I’ve been told I may go to Hawaii on a business trip in August. Better than Omaha in February, you betcha!
That about sums it up. Go me!
current_music: Prince – Kiss
current_mood: happy