As I mentioned last week, the Camp Xray Store is open for business. If you know someone who’s stuck down in Cuba playing prison guard, they may appreciate a commemorative shirt or trivet. Can’t get enough trivets.
And, when the next set of orders is complete, I’ll get my first-ever commission check from Cafepress. Woohoo!
current_music: Prince – The Future
There are good months and bad months. This is a good one.
That about sums it up. Go me!
current_music: Prince – Kiss
current_mood: happy
Short piece about the recent Microsoft Vs. Lindows case. Lindows is being sued by MS to get them to stop using a name which could be “confused” with Windows. Is anyone so slow they would confuse Lindows and Windows?
Anyway, the judge said that there are serious questions about whether MS should have ever been granted a trademark on the GENERIC word Windows in the first place. Not like MS uses generic words for trademarked things elsewhere, like Word or Project… You’d think they could have seen this coming. Nobody is allowed to trademark the word “computer” why should MS be allowed to trademark “Windows”? Wouldn’t the obvious assumption then be that Anderson Windows has to pay MS a fee for use of the trademark on their glass products? heh
current_music: Prince – 18 & Over
current_mood: amused