15 Mar 2002 @ 6:37 PM 

A followup to an earlier entry.

After more experimentation, I have determined that all three major browsers (MSIE, Opera and Navigator) handle the <acronym> tag in a reasonable way. It’s amazing, but true – standards compliance is a good thing.

The only reason I’d not seen it before is because the only place I use the Acronym tag is at work, and we use ancient browsers there. But, NN6 shows the tags as a dotted underline, making it obvious what acronyms have meanings linked to them. The other two browsers handle the Acronym tag like they do the ID tag. In IE, it shows up as a tooltip, in Opera, it shows up in the status bar. But, without the underlining, how would a reader know which acronyms are linked? HTML 4.0 recommends commenting the first instance of each acronym, so you’d have to pay attention while reading. I kind of like Netscape’s approach best, except the underlines show up when you print.

I know, I’m a geek.
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current_mood: entertained

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 Mar 2002 @ 06:37 PM

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Categories: Geek
 15 Mar 2002 @ 6:22 AM 

The Bush administration plans to ask Congress next week to remove all restrictions on U.S. military aid to Colombia, including those that limit assistance to counter-narcotics efforts, impose human rights standards on the Colombian military and cap the number of U.S. military personnel in the country, administration and congressional sources said.

The plan, which also seeks to ward off restrictions on any future aid, is included in legislation that the administration expects to submit to Congress asking for additional funds for global and domestic anti-terrorism efforts this year.

The White House put aside a similar Colombia proposal barely two weeks ago on grounds that Congress might not support a significant broadening of the U.S. military mission there to assist the government of President Andres Pastrana in its fight against leftist guerrillas. The Pentagon, backed by some officials in other departments, had proposed including Colombia in the global war on terrorism.

Full Story

So, under the guise of fighting terrorism, let’s re-instate the foreign policies of the Cold War. Remember them? We didn’t care how evil the dictator was, nor how bad he beat his own people, so long as he wasn’t Communist. Now, we’re going to let Colombia off the hook for human rights because they’re not terrorists? Geez.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 Mar 2002 @ 06:22 AM

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