Who is Bunk?


Bunk’s Mini-bio

It seems that everyone online needs to post some kind of bio. I’ve avoided this trend for several years now, but since I’ve recently re-entered the civilian one, people always want to know who the hell this Bunk guy is. So, here goes, my life in a tiny little nutshell. Feel free to use this as Cliff’s Notes during any online chat. 🙂

Gary Bunker
No big deal giving it out, since you could find it on Yahoo, Bigfoot or a number of other places pretty easily. Not to mention if you did a WHOIS on my domain name, there I am.
19 July 1970
I’m not old, dammit!
La Puerta de Santa Maria, Cadiz, Spain
Navy brat, can you tell?
Science Fiction (only the good stuff), Music (very eclectic taste), Movies (not horror), origami, computers (surprise eh?)
Significant Other
Kat, also known as The Woman, is a great artist/masseuse/motorcyclist/awesome woman. She’s a native Texan, but I like her anyway.

So, if I’ve missed anything of any importance, sorry. Sue me.


Born in Spain, but left when I was two. Lived in California, Minnesota, and California again before joining the Army for a 4-year term that ended up being 12. While in the Army, lived in Monterey, Tacoma, near Boston, West Texas, and Korea (several times). Since getting out, I’ve lived in Southeastern Arizona and back in West Texas. I have a son who takes a lot of my attention when he’s home, and otherwise I spend way too much time reading books and surfing the net.


I’ve been online since 1984, with electronic BBS services in Los Angeles. I’ve had a website since around 1995 or so.  Now, I have sites all over the web, like some sort of internet vagabond. There’s this one, of course, my main home. On this site, I post random mind droppings that are of general interest, and photos of my son and my fianceé’s pets. Sometimes there are other photos, but mostly the boy and the animals.

On Livejournal, I post things that are filtered, so some people I may know in real life can get more detailed info in a way that doesn’t require that I actually write a letter. Also, there are a boatload of people on LJ that I read, and their aggregator (friends page) is fantastic for that.

On MySpace, I just exist because I have friends that use it. That’s about all it’s for.

I’ve also got some dead sites you may find in the Internet Wayback Machine. Anything of value from those dead sites have been ported to this one, but if you want to see what I once thought was an attractive design, feel free to check out the old Geocities cache in the IWM. Brewster Kahle is a god.

Date Posted: 01 Apr 2006 @ 1:55 PM
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2019 @ 08:56 PM
Posted By: Gary

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