3 years after buying Netscape, AOL may finally be integrating it into their ugly-ass useless software, which is inexplicably popular. Although AOL-mail will still be some weird proprietary system that doesn’t play well with others, the browser currently being tested by AOL subsidiary Compuserve is based on Mozilla/Netscape. A Microsoft spokesman was philosophical and condescending: “The real losers will be AOL users who will now be using inferior technology.” Gee, how many AOL users are there? That’s got to be a big chunk of the online market, albeit the clueless part of the market.
Sorry if I sound down on AOL, but it sucks ass. ART files that nobody else can see, email that can’t handle attachments rationally, some strange belief that AOL is the internet…
Can’t wait to see what MS comes up with in response to this. Nobody wants to use MSN, so that hasn’t been a good thing for them.
current_music: Queen & David Bowie – Under Pressure
current_mood: amused