If you want to see what a pink house looks like on the inside, check out our photo album. The latest page includes photos of the new digs, the backyard, and a few of Alex being cute. Pretty much never going to escape those Boy pics.
Can I have one? Please? I’ve been very good this year, and my birthday is in just 4 months!
High-res color Palm-based organizer, with a camera, MP3 player, and keyboard. Total gadget lust!
current_music: The Kinks – Lola
current_mood: hopeful
This story is just too funny. Beyond the fact that a company named Virgin is talking about porn, they want to allow their cell phone users to view smut on their phones! Oh, yeah, that’s what people are looking for: a 3 cm square of nudity on a phone. Who comes up with these business ideas?
Settling in for another long day of doing nothing while waiting for one of my eight bosses to do his job. Good thing I’ve got that Dashiell Hammett story on the Palm…
current_music: Texas – Say What You Want ( Rae & Chri
current_mood: frustrated
Just in case someone wanted a userpic that I made more than a month ago: I erased them. They’re an ethereal art form, and if you wanted it you really should have downloaded it when you claimed it. 🙂
I still have plenty of unclaimed orphans up, as well as my gallery of userpics I particularly am proud of.