13 Mar 2002 @ 1:24 PM 

As I’ve mentioned in the past, my organization has both Netscape 4.7 and MSIE 5.5 loaded. Netscape 4.7 is a horribly old piece of technology, and I notice a large number of folks upstairs who have installed Netscape 6.2 as well, just to have a browser that doesn’t suck at CSS and such. The MSIE browser has had every piece of vulnerable technology turned off, which means it’s a braindead piece of software that can’t render the simplest Javascript correctly.

So, what do we have in our inboxes today, but a message that we all must go to a particular intranet site, which must be accessed with Internet Explorer. This site is a “web app,” one of those things any geek has heard of but few have actually seen in use. You would think, since DISA has mandated that Netscape 4.7 is the standard browser, the web app would work in Netscape. Go figure.

I actually attempted to go to the site with Netscape and ran into authentication problems. Wonder if it would work with NS 6.2…

This is not the point behind web applications. The idea is that any web app should be accessible with any browser of reasonable vintage. NS4.7 is not so old that it should be completely nonoperational with this spanking new application.

Ah, progress..

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 13 Mar 2002 @ 01:24 PM

Categories: Geek


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