12 Mar 2002 @ 10:20 AM 

3 years after buying Netscape, AOL may finally be integrating it into their ugly-ass useless software, which is inexplicably popular. Although AOL-mail will still be some weird proprietary system that doesn’t play well with others, the browser currently being tested by AOL subsidiary Compuserve is based on Mozilla/Netscape. A Microsoft spokesman was philosophical and condescending: “The real losers will be AOL users who will now be using inferior technology.” Gee, how many AOL users are there? That’s got to be a big chunk of the online market, albeit the clueless part of the market.

Sorry if I sound down on AOL, but it sucks ass. ART files that nobody else can see, email that can’t handle attachments rationally, some strange belief that AOL is the internet…

Can’t wait to see what MS comes up with in response to this. Nobody wants to use MSN, so that hasn’t been a good thing for them.
current_music: Queen & David Bowie – Under Pressure
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Mar 2002 @ 10:20 AM

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Categories: Geek
 11 Mar 2002 @ 8:29 PM 

If you want to see what a pink house looks like on the inside, check out our photo album. The latest page includes photos of the new digs, the backyard, and a few of Alex being cute. Pretty much never going to escape those Boy pics.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 12:10 PM

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Categories: Home, Personal
 11 Mar 2002 @ 6:10 PM 

Can I have one? Please? I’ve been very good this year, and my birthday is in just 4 months!

High-res color Palm-based organizer, with a camera, MP3 player, and keyboard. Total gadget lust!
current_music: The Kinks – Lola
current_mood: hopeful

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Mar 2002 @ 06:10 PM

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Categories: Geek
 11 Mar 2002 @ 9:06 AM 

This story is just too funny. Beyond the fact that a company named Virgin is talking about porn, they want to allow their cell phone users to view smut on their phones! Oh, yeah, that’s what people are looking for: a 3 cm square of nudity on a phone. Who comes up with these business ideas?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Mar 2002 @ 09:06 AM

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Categories: News


 11 Mar 2002 @ 8:11 AM 

Settling in for another long day of doing nothing while waiting for one of my eight bosses to do his job. Good thing I’ve got that Dashiell Hammett story on the Palm…
current_music: Texas – Say What You Want ( Rae & Chri
current_mood: frustrated

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Mar 2002 @ 08:11 AM

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Categories: Personal
 11 Mar 2002 @ 6:14 AM 

Just in case someone wanted a userpic that I made more than a month ago: I erased them. They’re an ethereal art form, and if you wanted it you really should have downloaded it when you claimed it. 🙂

I still have plenty of unclaimed orphans up, as well as my gallery of userpics I particularly am proud of.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Mar 2002 @ 06:14 AM

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Categories: Geek
 09 Mar 2002 @ 3:25 PM 

Welcome my little sister, , to Livejournal land! The first of my family to figure out how to enter a username and password when I sent them an invite code.

Now, start updating, girl.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 09 Mar 2002 @ 03:25 PM

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Categories: Personal
 08 Mar 2002 @ 9:07 AM 


Microsoft has told Japanese buyers of its Xbox video games that it will
repair or replace machines that scratch DVD and CD games, but the company
is not issuing a general recall of the devices. An Xbox marketing director
said about the problem, “This is a miniscule issue. The key point it that
this is not going to affect the Japan launch and it is not going to affect
the Europe launch.” Microsoft shipped 250,000 units to Japan, and sold
125,000 in the first three days after its January launch; in comparison,
Sony sold 720,000 PlayStation2 units within the first three days of product
launch two years ago. (Financial Times 7 Mar 2002)

current_music: Marilyn Manson – Rock Is Dead

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Mar 2002 @ 09:07 AM

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Categories: Geek


 08 Mar 2002 @ 7:18 AM 

I think this would have been very messy. Have you any idea the caliber of machine gun mounted on an A-10?

“About 100 to 200 al Qaeda ran out of the caves, probably thinking we were going to bomb them inside,” the official said. “We rolled in on them with A-10s” – attack planes designed for striking tank columns.

current_music: Prince – Family Name

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Mar 2002 @ 07:18 AM

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Categories: News
 07 Mar 2002 @ 11:01 PM 

By popular request (OK, so it was one person but I thought it was cool), I’ve added another design to my retail experiment.

This one I’ve not yet integrated into my main page and may never bother to do so, as the store is so inherently time-limited.

That’s right, I’m capitalizing on the stress of others. Well, they asked me to! Camp Xray has opened. I’ll probably do up a Camp Xray2 for another design I’m working on, but figured I’d get this one up quickly. Hope you poor schmucks down in Cuba enjoy flipping off authority. Yep, thought you did.
current_mood: sleepy

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Mar 2002 @ 11:01 PM

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Categories: Personal
 07 Mar 2002 @ 8:02 AM 

Had to put in this 80s reference…

My Smiths anthem is...'Cemetry Gates'

Your Smiths anthem is… “Cemetry Gates”
You aren’t necessarily the most social of the bunch, but you can relate to those with a similar mindset to yours, and those few people are important to you. You may seem gloomy, but it is actually tempered with a decent sense of what is and is not worth being gloomy about, as well as with a good sense of humor about the world in general.
“Cemetry Gates” is from The Queen Is Dead.

Take the What Is Your Smiths Anthem? Test

current_music: Linkin Park – Step Up

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Mar 2002 @ 08:02 AM

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Categories: Entertainment
 05 Mar 2002 @ 11:40 AM 

For and other folks down in Gitmo…

David Letterman’s Top Ten Taliban Complaints About Camp X-Ray

10. “Three meals a day and none of them are goat”

9. “‘Death to America’ T-shirts only come in cotton/poly blend”

8. “Can’t get used to this whole warm bed, cooked food, running water thing”

7. “Lying American propaganda makes it seem like Taliban is losing”

6. “Television only gets one channel and it’s CBS”

5. “Achmed totally stole my skit idea for camp talent show”

4. “Have you seen the bathrooms? I’ve lived in caves with better facilities”

3. “Haven’t gotten one X-ray”

2. “Just because you’re a bearded nut in Cuba everyone assumes you know Fidel”

1. “Dude in next cell keeps bragging he used to be head of Enron.”
current_music: Cowboy Mouth – Easy

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Mar 2002 @ 11:40 AM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 05 Mar 2002 @ 11:32 AM 

I’ve updated the Andy Social Emporium with some new limited-edition items that Cafepress is offering. I really like the ceramic trivet and the mini basketball hoops. Might get myself one of those.

Thanks to those who have bought (or attempted to buy) stuff from the Emporium. I never actually expect to make anything off of it, but it’s interesting to see how many folks want a “Friends Don’t Let Friends Reenlist” shirt. Only one “Army Girl” shirt sold so far, though.
current_music: Linkin Park – Holding You

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Mar 2002 @ 11:32 AM

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