US troops take shots at a vehicle driven by the Italian Secret Service, killing one of the agents that was escorting newly freed journalist Giuliana Sgrena to the airport.
Eason Jordan quit over his comments that suggested anything like this happens over there.
Yes, but weren’t Eason’s comments of the nature that US troops murdered journalists on purpose? From the article link, I can’t see the motivation behind them firing in this case, so it’s hard to tell whether it was targeted or a misunderstanding.
Jordan’s comments are not 100% clear, since the Davos conference is off the record. However, what Jordan said later is that his comment was (paraphrased), “sometimes the U.S. military purposely shoots at people who are journalists. This is not to say that they know they are non-combatants that are being targeted; rather, the military uses sometimes imperfect intelligence and so shoots at people it believes are insurgents, but turn out to be journalists. The military officially claims that all journalists that are killed are bystanders that are hit only by crossfire, but this is not exactly accurate. In war, mistakes happen and war journalists are in harm’s way. Beware.”
This turned into, “the military purposely targets journalists because they are journalists.” And hilarity ensued.