23 Mar 2005 @ 11:04 AM 

It’s so very frustrating living in the middle of nowhere in the digital age. I can order things online and they get delivered to my door – good thing. I can watch their movements via the UPS and Fedex website – good thing. UPS routes everything through Dallas – weird thing.

I’ve ordered a new MP3 player for work. I cannot have a device at work that records or that broadcasts, so my lust-worthy players are out. However, Rio recently discontinued the 20Gig Karma and it’s on sale at Buy and other places for under $200. The Karma has no recording ability, no FM receiver or transmitter, none of the bells and whistles that people are demanding from digital audio devices today. But, it is legal in the SCIF(Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility) so I snapped it up. It was shipped from Phoenix, to me here in West Texas. Because of the hub-and-spoke system that UPS uses, it has already passed by me once. It went from Phoenix to El Paso (West of me) to Dallas (East of me) before it gets to me hopefully tomorrow. Bizarre and frustrating.

Now I’ve got to figure out which 30% of my music I want to put on it first.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Apr 2005 @ 12:54 PM

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Categories: Geek, Personal
 23 Mar 2005 @ 8:58 AM 

Drivers in San Angelo seem to be especially bad, although I’ve noticed a trend toward increasingly rude behavior on the roads the past two decades nationally.

This morning added evidence to the growing pile of “SUV drivers are assholes” reports. As I was driving east, a woman who was parked on the wrong side of the road to my right pulled out and made a right-hand turn in front of me without turn signals into the oncoming lane of the road. It was another block before she had moved to only straddling the middle of the road instead. By the time we got to the stop sign she didn’t even slow down for, she had finally found her way to the right side of the road.

Then, a few minutes later, I almost got my rear bumper removed by a guy in an SUV who decided he needed to change lanes at the same time I was. The difference being, I had a turn signal and he didn’t. Somehow, this seemed to infuriate him and he drove off in a huff, just to make a right-hand turn not one block later.

As Bill Hicks said, “The People Who Hate People Party” is a good idea some days.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 14 Apr 2005 @ 03:31 PM

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