26 Jul 2004 @ 9:51 PM 

Is it really bad that every time I see a police car trying to hide and catch people (most recently the 25 mph speed trap at the local college), I immediately think of the lyrics to the 1987 Dragnet movie?

bq. Hey there copper, Mr. Crime Stopper, what is wrong with what we’re doing? We just like to dance in our goatskin pants around this ancient ruin.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jul 2004 @ 09:51 PM

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 26 Jul 2004 @ 4:02 PM 

In the process of laying the subfloor, just about to start putting the tile down, the tile guys punctured a pipe where no pipe should have been. You know where this is going, don’t you? Pieces of cement backboard have been ripped up, a plumber called, and another multi-hundred dollar charge is added to my floor. Oh, and since the water has to be turned off to get it fixed, no bathroom or kitchen a day earlier than expected.

I sure hope this shit gets done by Wednesday, or I’ll have a really long day at work on Friday. FMITGA.

Edit: The plumber only cost 75 bucks, plus I had to buy a drywall repair kit for another five dollars to fix the wall he had to cut in order to get to the breach. It’s never easy.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 11:36 AM

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 26 Jul 2004 @ 12:31 PM 

The tile guys are done removing the kitchen sink, there is like NO food left in the fridge and the microwave and oven are out of the question until the place is reassembled. It’s not my fault that I’m eating at San Angelo Burger Company – I have no choice. 😆

Now, I’m not a handyman, but I assume when someone sets up a date for an installation it’s because all the materials are on hand and they are ready to work. Turns out, the grout is not in. And the nice fellas ask me about this, as if I knew. Nope. I didn’t know there was anything amiss, but thanks for making me worry. They tell me the grout I ordered was not in stock and it should be in by Wednesday. Listen, fellas, I didn’t order grout. I picked out tile. All the other stuff (backing boards and adhesives and grouts) are left up to the people who know this stuff. I’m just paying for it, don’t expect me to know anything at all about bisquit colored grout versus white grout. How the hell do I know this shit? I want tile.

Damn, I hope the grout shows up by Wednesday. That would be the day that I can expect them to have everything done, I’m told. We’ll see.

I really wish I had a camera. The fridge, stove and new sink are in the den; the microwave is on the kitchen table; and the old sink is on the front porch. Tomorrow, I’m told to expect no toilet all day. Fun.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 11:36 AM

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 26 Jul 2004 @ 9:25 AM 

The tile guys have arrived, right on time (even a few minutes early). This is a week that I wish we had two digital cameras, since it’s in the Netherlands right now. I hope this process is quick, but I’ve been told it will be two days or maybe three. Not that I want to go to work this week, but there are things I need to do there. Fortunately, I don’t have to do them until Thursday. Lucky that.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 11:35 AM

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 26 Jul 2004 @ 8:57 AM 

Ya gotta love Kurt Vonnegut quotes.

bq. Thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative.
Kurt Vonnegut, “Cold Turkey”, In These Times, May 10, 2004

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jul 2004 @ 08:57 AM

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