This is an interesting new twist on the battle between music downloaders and bands/labels. The new Foo Fighters album has an accompanying DVD (and I think the new 3 Doors Down does the same thing) with cool content, such as a couple music videos and screensavers, etc. Also, the CD will launch you to a website where you can stream cover songs the Foos recorded. Alas, this is where my pathetic dialup connection fails me, but that’s to be expected.
And, I can rip the CD to play on my MP3 player just fine, thank you very much, RIAA.
current_music: Foo Fighters – All My Life
current_mood: happy
WASHINGTON, DC–With concern over North Korea’s nuclear capabilities growing, President Bush reassured the American people Monday that “extreme force” will be used to remove Saddam Hussein from power if the Iraqi president fails to give up suspected weapons of mass destruction.
current_mood: amused