I don’t know where Ernunnos got the list, but it seemed entertaining…
Where were you when?
- When John F. Kennedy was shot (11/22/1963)
I was born 7 years after that.
- When Mt. St. Helens blew (5/18/1980)
Not a clue. I was living in MN at the time, but c’mon, I was 9!
- When the space shuttle Challenger exploded (1/28/1986)
In school, 10th grade.
- When the 7.1 earthquake hit San Francisco (10/7/1989)
I was in Salinas, CA – about 45 miles from the epicenter in Los Gatos. Went back to the base and hung out in the electricity-free barracks for a few days, eating cold sandwiches and having class on the lawn.
- When the Gulf War began (1/16/1991)
I was in Korea, listening for reactions from the DPRK.
- When OJ Simpson was chased in his White Bronco (6/17/1994)
I was in class in Southern Arizona (strangely where I work now), and we sat around the dayroom laughing our asses off, knowing this moron was so guilty that he HAD to get convicted.
- When the building in Oklahoma City was bombed (4/19/1995)
I was outprocessing from Fort Lewis, getting ready to go to class in West Texas.
- When Princess Di was killed (8/31/1997)
Monterey, DLI, refresher course. Actually, the weekend before the class started, and I was lying in a barren barracks room, listening to a walkman.
- When Bush was first announced President (11/7/2000)
Must have been at work in Texas. Didn’t make much of an impression, after the big election night debacle.
- When the 6.8 earthquake hit Nisqually, WA (2/28/2001)
Didn’t know one had hit there.
- When terrorists flew into the World Trade Center (9/11/2001)
Reading LJ at home, noticed all the posts about strange doings in NYC. Turned on CNN and sat on the bed trying to make sense of a completely surreal event. For some reason I thought going to work would actually be possible that day. Of course, the base was closed.