NASA has posted an updated archive of info regarding Columbia, especially in regards to the FOIA requests.
You’ve just got to love these women: get nekkid for peace!
Here’s something for
current_mood: amused
Got the 802.11b card for my computer (living room) today, to connect to the wireless router in the bedroom. Yeah, baby. No Cat5 running down the hallway, and a solid 22Mbps connection. Woohoo! Time to download some music!
current_mood: geeky
I’m not home. Right now, we don’t even have a home to be at. So, if you want me to make you a userpic, piss off. Go bug someone else, cuz I’m going to tell you I’m unavailable and then delete the request.
Have a day.
The more you say that silly made-up word, the dumber it sounds.
Anyway, with the increasing changes to LJ, the fact that it is less reliable than my personal webhost on average, the rise in RSS feeds, and because I’m a geek – I’m still thinking of changing over to Movable Type for my journalish “needs.” So, here’s a question for any of you MT users out there: Do you get email notifications of new comments on your weblog? Cuz if I don’t know someone responded, I’d never look at my own log after posting something.
current_mood: geeky
Saddam denies weapons of mass destruction – well, guess that finishes that then, eh?
Norwegian MP plays while debate rages. The debate, of course, being whether Norway would send any of their crack troops to help out in a coalition attack on Iraq. Once again, the public (outside Norway anyhow) lets loose a collective, “so what?”
I wish I could get Metalion for my Palm, though. It looks sweet, but it’s PocketPC only for now.