I know I’ve made mention of this before, but I am really curious and very much wonder if it is possible to do some of LJ’s unique functions away from LJ. With little further ado, my query:
Is there a simple RSS/RDF aggregator I can put on my personal website that would be able to act as the LJ “friends” page does? I want to be able to continue to read all these journals as well as the RSS feeds that I have on my friends page, but avoid the central server problem that LJ has.
Just pondering the possibility of maybe someday moving my journal to Movable Type and still maintaining a “friends page” type thing to make weblog-reading easier.
Anyone flown United lately? They’ve changed the layout of their planes to better serve their “premium” members, giving them more legroom. They did this without changing the number of seats on the plane, though. You know how? By pushing all the seats in the back half of the plane a couple inches closer together. Now, when they guy in the seat in front of you reclines the 3 degrees permissible, his seatback ends up bumping your forehead. If you’re over 5’7″, you will hate being past row 10 on these things. Ick.
Meanwhile, my coworker Paul has just returned from the most arduous flight I’ve heard of to take place on only one continent. He was traveling for over 20 hours yesterday, just to get from DC to Tucson. He spent 8 hours on tarmacs waiting for gates. Don’t you love air travel today?
current_mood: amused
Friday Five is slacking off a bit this week…
current_music: 3 Doors Down – The Better Life
current_mood: tired