The Clie NX and NZ series machines include an embedded Flash 5 player. So far, none of my Flash files work in it. The one that comes with it (some “game” named Zylo) has no instructions and is so strange I can’t begin to guess how I got 2000 points on the darned thing.
Anyone know of any normal Flash apps that will work on the Clie?
current_mood: geeky
As always with MS operating systems, the Microsoft Smartphone 2002 OS has been found vulnerable to security-aware hackers (you may call them virus-writers).
After the story last week about the one-minute boot time of the phone, and its interesting ability to not turn on when you push the ON button, this is pretty funny.
Get an MS phone, and you too could have the same joy of rebooting, crashing, and constant virus-updating as you get at home! Joy!
current_mood: amused
Following up the earlier post about my cool Christmas present, Sony was showing off a new model at CES last week. It looks considerably heftier than my not-so-tiny Clie, but it includes a camera with the same resolution as my Canon Powershot, as well as built-in Bluetooth (in case you want to use your cellphone to call your ISP I guess). Otherwise, it’s the same machine as mine, both in hardware and software. And how is this appreciably less powerful than a laptop now? Of course, you can get a decent laptop on eBay for less than the $800 this monster is going for. But, for pure geek chic, what could beat having a single pocket-sized (well, big pockets maybe) device that can take good pictures and decent movie clips, voice records, play back MP3 files, control TVs and DVD players, and connect to a wi-fi LAN and surf the web?
current_mood: impressed
People (particularly business weasels) seem to have an innate desire to re-work the language, changing the acceptable meaning of words etc. One that really bugs me is using “grow” as an active verb, i.e., “We are trying to grow the market.” What is wrong with the other words that actually fit there and don’t require mangling Webster? Examples:
Notice how all those sentences sound more natural? Anyone who thinks using grow as an active verb sounds good – you’re a putz.
This has been a public service announcement from the Opinionated Asshole. Thank you for your attention.
After doing that LJ Analysis thing this weekend, I realized that I skim far too many people’s journals. Unlike many people on LJ, I don’t consider any of you friends if we haven’t shared some deep meaningful moment or some such. There are a few people on here that I’ve exchanged emails with regarding important life matters, some that I know (or at least have met) in real life, and so on. The majority of you, even if I enjoy reading your journals, are not my friends, no matter what the name of the page on the server. I use the “friends” page as a way to aggregate content to read at my leisure (A great example). When I find a feed that I am not overly interested in any longer, I stop reading it. This is in no way a comment on you as a person, nor on the interesting nature of your writing. If I am not commenting, and rarely even reading, your journal, I stop putting it on my friends page.
I rarely post things as “Friends Only” so you’re not missing anything if you are no longer my “friend” on LJ. If you remove me as a friend, I really don’t care (in fact I rarely even notice such things unless brought to my attention). Yes, I could do as