Overcome By Events…It’s a phrase one of my 8 bosses uses on occasion. I’ve realized, as I’ve slowly resumed writing a story I began in 1987, that every idea I had that was new and original when I put it on paper (ok, in bits) has been done by someone else.
Among those ideas:
- Traffic Automation (done by DKM in The Long Run
- Gyro-stabilized hovercars (done by DKM in Emerald Eyes)
- Remote-control VR warfare (Haldeman in Forever Peace)
- Major consensual fully immersive VR system (done by Stephenson in Snow Crash)
- Artificial island used for nanotech research banned elsewhere (done by Egan in Distress)
- Reverse auctions for durable goods (Priceline anyone?)
- Paper-based books become rare (Stephenson – Diamond Age)
- Commercial-skipping technology ubiquitous (Tivo and Replay)
It’s obvious – I have to write faster. Or maybe I can just sell my ideas to other people to use for their stories…
current_mood: mellow