Seriously folks, if you don’t know what you want, or you can’t be bothered to explain yourself clearly and completely, don’t get mad at me because I make a picture that you ask for, but not what you want.
This goes far beyond the poor girl who misspelled a four-letter word. About 70% of the userpic requests I get, even from folks who seem to be professional icon-requestors, make no sense.
If you want something specific, use specific language. If you say, “Make it cool” then you’ll get whatever the designer thinks is cool, not necessarily what you think is cool.
current_mood: annoyed
Last week I made a triple-layer cheesecake, which consisted of butterscotch, dark chocolate, and white chocolate layers of cheesecake, covered with candy drizzles on top. Oh, and it had a chocolate crust.
Since I rarely make anything “normal” and we still had a package of cream cheese left, I bought more cream cheese and baked a classic New York style cheesecake tonight. We’ll see how it turns out after it cools. I’m sure the top will crack, even though I’ve loosened the sides…
I’m pretty sure this isn’t what she wanted, but it’s what she asked for…
Be very careful with typos when you’re requesting userpics, I’m taking them all literally now. 😉
current_mood: evil