29 Apr 2002 @ 9:10 PM 

Had about 45 minutes of work to do today, followed by some annoyance by the LAN Nazis. Home was much better.

  • Alex was as close to an angel as he’ll ever be. Got the trees watered, as well as the garden, even emptied some of the scummy water out of the pool-thing. Did the dishes, much to the delight of the woman, no doubt.
  • Melissa Etheridge unreleased live stuff being downloaded from Usenet. Some narcoleptic psychotic cow stole my then-complete Melissa Etheridge collection a couple years ago. Still remember the unknown Ms. E in high school, staying up late to listen to the Mighty MET in the city of Lost Angels…
  • Great episode of Boston Public. An entire episode about a high school taking place without getting near the school – pretty cool.
  • New Utne Reader – some cool articles read while listening to J. Ralph.
  • Had to do ironing, which isn’t good, but is necessary. While ironing, my mind wanders a bit as it is wont to do, even without a bottle of Black Dog Ale affecting it. Remembered a statement of philosophy I made 2 years ago, about the Risk to Reward ratio. I feel so witty.

My eyes are gummy, J. Ralph is almost over, and the iron has cooled enough to put it away. G’night, LJ-land, wherever you are.

current_music: J. Ralph – Music to Mauzner By
current_mood: satisfied

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Oct 2005 @ 01:41 PM

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Categories: Personal
 29 Apr 2002 @ 9:21 AM 

Just had a random thought (there was a line of C’s in my game of Big Money) –

How many people below the age of 27 know what the initials CCCP represent?
current_music: Prince and Chuck D. – Undisputed
current_mood: curious

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Apr 2002 @ 09:21 AM

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 29 Apr 2002 @ 7:45 AM 

OK, BNL have been excised. Now bopping around the near-empty office to Prince’s Peach:

She was pure, every ounce.
I was sure when her titties bounced.

She’s so cool, I’m so ugly
Only a fool
Could think she would love me.

She’s a Peach!

Ooohoo ooohooo
current_music: Prince – Peach

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Apr 2002 @ 07:45 AM

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Categories: Entertainment
 29 Apr 2002 @ 7:40 AM 

The guy at the far end of the building is talking so loud I can hear every single word. I’m convinced that he is incapable of using an “inside voice” such as we are trying to instill in our son. It seems more acceptable for a 2-year old to be obnoxiously loud than for a 40-year old.

This guy and one other at work (one of my 8 bosses) talk so loud that I can’t stand to be in an enclosed space with them. It’s like an audio assault every time I have to hold a conversation with these bozos.
current_music: Prince – Peach

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Apr 2002 @ 07:40 AM

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Categories: Personal
 29 Apr 2002 @ 6:49 AM 

Hopefully by posting the lyrics I’ll exorcise this ditty from my brain this morning. Excerpt from Baby Seat by the Barenaked Ladies:

You can’t live your life in the baby seat
You’ve got to stand on your own
Don’t admit defeat
You can’t live your life in the baby seat
You’ve got to stand on your own
Don’t admit defeat

40 days at sea
Then she turned and said to me
“If we make it back
I’ll renounce Jack Kerouac
And all that romantic crap
Like I’m an artist don’t look back”

Now we’re living somewhere else
We keep opinions to ourselves
But still we seek a sneaky peek at heaven
When the working week defeats us
If you think growing up is tough
Then you’ve just not grown enough, baby

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Apr 2002 @ 06:49 AM

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