26 Apr 2002 @ 8:03 PM 

Is it wrong to hear “Stone Phillips” announced on the TV and think he should have been a wrestler?
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Apr 2002 @ 08:03 PM

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Categories: Entertainment
 26 Apr 2002 @ 7:53 PM 

To commemorate the posting of E-Text #5000 on Project Gutenberg, I’m beginning the task of mirroring the PG archives (minus the Human Genome Project stuff – why would I want that?) on my local hard drive. Is that weird?

Always meant to read the Odyssey, now I can put it on my Palm… Well, I could if I had a Palm with more memory. Damn, who knew that the old piece of papyrus held 800,000 characters?!? Of course, Shakespeare’s First Folio is nearly 5 megabytes, so I guess old Homey wasn’t as loquacious as Billy Boy…
current_music: The Afghan Whigs – Gentlemen
current_mood: disrespectful

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Apr 2002 @ 07:53 PM

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Categories: Geek
 26 Apr 2002 @ 3:24 PM 

Yet another example of Microsoft sucking giant donkey balls.

I bought Tax Cut and MS Money together, in order to take advantage of the bizarre set of rebates that allowed me to get them both for free after rebate. Tax Cut’s rebate showed up a month ago.

Today, I get a letter from Microsoft

  1. They say that I did not send them a receipt which showed Money, but only Tax Cut. That’s false.
  2. They say I need to send them a proof of purchase from MS Money 2002. Of course, since I already have, I no longer have any proof of purchase.
  3. They require that I refer to the rebate coupon, which of course has been sent to them and I no longer have to refer to.

Therefore, Microsoft sucks ass. I intended to get Money without paying for it, and I ended up paying full price for it. I probably would have bought it anyway (I was using Money99), but this is bullshit. This is the same kind of crap that smarmy legal teams always pull: prove something we don’t agree with, and do it after we’ve hidden all the evidence. Fuck me in the goat ass.
current_music: Throbbing vein in temple
current_mood: annoyed

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Apr 2002 @ 03:24 PM

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