23 Apr 2002 @ 9:57 PM 

I’m sure that her LJ design looks great on BlooJanuary‘s machine, but darned if I know how.

I normally browse in Opera, so I thought it might have been something peculiar to that browser. Although Opera adheres very closely to the HTML 4.0 standards, most design programs don’t.
So, I checked out IE 6 and looked at the site…

Still impossible to read… Well, how about Netscape 6.2?

Yep, still crappy.

So, girl, what in the world are your computer settings that make that page legible? Must be a Mac thing… Good thing you’re on my friends list, so I never actually go to your LJ directly. 🙂
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Apr 2002 @ 09:57 PM

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Categories: Geek
 23 Apr 2002 @ 9:41 PM 

NEW YORK — In a pretend show of support for larger women, the May issue of Vogue features a 16-page spread focusing on plus-size models. “These plus-size beauties are every bit as gorgeous as the models you usually see in magazines,” said Vogue editor Anna Wintour, who has never before and will never again publish photos of normal-sized women. “Female beauty comes in many shapes and sizes, and this spread is a celebration of that fact.” Vogue’s June issue is slated to celebrate female boniness, featuring hundreds of photos of women weighing no more than 103 pounds.

Gotta love the Onion.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Apr 2002 @ 09:41 PM

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Categories: News
 23 Apr 2002 @ 9:37 PM 

An anonymous moron recently took me to task for my “trampling on copywrite law” (if you can’t spell it your opinion is pretty worthless anyway) with regard to my Camp Xray Store, which was actually created by request of the sailors at Camp Xray, and was not my idea at all.

Anyway, the image in question follows.

If this is infringing on someone’s copyright, I’d be amazed. The only resemblence to the famous Watterson strip that it is similar to is the kid’s spikey hair. That’s hardly congruent enough to be considered infringement. Different clothes, different face, and all-around different context. I would not attempt to defend this as a parody, because it obviously is not. I didn’t attempt to copy Bill Watterson, I just sketched out a kid peeing. Doesn’t make it a famous Belgian fountain either…

Besides, this is similar to the designs I see on half the pickups in the Southwest. Someone is selling stickers with a kid that looks substantially more like Calvin than this little soldier does. I assume that Mr. Watterson has not gone after the “Piss on Ford” and “Piss on Chevy” stickers because he doesn’t care much and because he’s loathe to associate his life’s work with such insignificance. Considering I’ve not made a dime off any of my Cafepress stores yet, I’m pretty damned insignificant. 🙂
current_mood: curious

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jun 2006 @ 07:40 PM

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Categories: Copyfight, Geek
 23 Apr 2002 @ 5:09 AM 

From BlooJanuary‘s journal…

I must say, I’m all about being a whore. That’s important. Sex is important and delicious. You should fuck as many people as possible at all times. BUT DON’T BE DIRTY ABOUT IT.

An attitude more people need, obviously. hehe
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Apr 2002 @ 05:09 AM

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Categories: Funny Stuff

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