15 Apr 2001 @ 10:48 PM 

What’s the good of having a significant other if they’re 800 miles away? Grrr…

I really do plan to update my website someday soon, as soon as I can get my brand-new, not-even-paid-for, computer to WORK reliably for more than 10 minutes at a time. (At that point, I will get around to re-installing my programs for web wonderment. I actually have a RIAA piece I’ve been planning, composed primarily of old LJ posts rearranged in a coherent narrative.) Gee, wonder why Micron is getting out of the computer business? Windows ME blows chunks.

Speaking of unreliable, I really miss my broadband internet connection. Dialup blows almost as much as WinME.

New job is interesting, but could we cut down on the acronyms, please? Hell, there are acronyms composed of other acronyms, some of which are in turn acronym-laden. WTF?

Tomorrow morning, chai at work. Only way to make it through those regulations and powerpoint presentations. Powerpoint is evil.

Why do so many people have webcams to show off their home life, including copious nekkidness, to thousands of strangers? MAJOR exhibitionist tendencies. Calling Dr. Jung, calling Dr. Freud…

I really need to stop drinking Mountain Dew at 10 pm.

I like horizontal rules.
current_music: CNN Headline News
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 Apr 2001 @ 10:48 PM

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