28 May 2001 @ 2:36 PM 

Reading over some email, cleaning out crap, doing maintenance on the file system, you know: usual geek crap. Came across this gem “The good ones are always taken.” HA! Sure, if you waste enough time, they are. 🙂

I suppose I shouldn’t be too gleeful that someone who treated me poorly has realized her error. But, it sure is cathartic.
current_music: Staind – Can’t Believe
current_mood: happy

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 May 2001 @ 02:36 PM

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Categories: Journal
 19 May 2001 @ 9:35 PM 

I want a new Palm. My old hand-me-down Palm III is getting wiggy, and the new M505 looks sweet. Anyone used one and can tell me if I’m looking at the wrong company? Visor Prism is nice-looking too…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 May 2001 @ 09:35 PM

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Categories: Geek
 13 May 2001 @ 9:33 AM 

Everyone go over to Neurosis’s journal and tell her to get naked. All these people going for posting numbers before they’ll bare all, what an interesting trend…

I blame Nikki for starting the whole thing with her breast shot last week. Oooh, I hope she starts something else. Gnomey Breasts are good

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 13 May 2001 @ 09:33 AM

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Categories: Journal
 12 May 2001 @ 10:19 PM 

Honestly, this will be my last complaint about peculiar online choices tonight.

Red and Yellow do not make a good, eye-soothing, web design. If your intent is to look like the Oscar Meyer hotdog wrapper, congratulations. If your main desire was to entice people to actually view your site, sorry but you missed the mark.

Let’s go back to elementary school here and think of complementary colors, shall we? Yellow and Red aren’t. Red and Green are decent, although kinda Christmasy. Yellow and Purple are an acceptable combination as well.

Or, you could just look around and copy a webpage you like. If you like Oscar Meyer, then fine — stick with your red-on-yellow monstrosity. Just don’t be surprised at only getting visitors who are hankering for some processed meat by-product. 🙂
current_mood: silly

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 May 2001 @ 10:19 PM

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Categories: Journal
 12 May 2001 @ 12:54 PM 

Been surfing the “random users” feature for a few minutes, trying to find ideas for new LJ Styles (rather unproductive at that task). There are a surprising number of folks that have journals with absolutely NO public entries. Um, why bother? Just use email or something. 🙂
current_mood: impatient

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 May 2001 @ 12:54 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on More weird people
Categories: Journal
 11 May 2001 @ 8:02 PM 

Why have a bicycle, if you stop at corners, walk across the street towing said bike, and then get back on and ride on the other side? Huh? Bicycles are meant to be ridden, look at how ungainly they are when pushed, in comparison.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 May 2001 @ 08:02 PM

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Categories: Journal
 08 May 2001 @ 4:45 PM 

Um, so the idea of using Canoma to model a human was pretty stupid, I’ll admit. Seemed like it would work, but Canoma doesn’t like curved surfaces.

So, anyone know how to map a photograph onto a Poser model? Anyone? Bueller?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 May 2001 @ 04:45 PM

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Categories: Geek
 07 May 2001 @ 4:53 PM 

So, I’m wandering through my httpd logs, and I notice that some folks have really funny machine names. What’s most interesting, though, is that a lot of the military domains are goofily named. For instance:


Alas, the vast majority of military domains, as most com and edu ones as well, are dull and cryptic. wrtc53254-139.westriv.com, anyone?
current_mood: silly

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 May 2001 @ 04:53 PM

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Categories: Journal
 06 May 2001 @ 2:15 PM 

Yes, it is true, May has great significance as a commemorative month.

It is Masturbation Month.

Make a party this month to observe the event. Here’s some planning tips for you. hehe
current_mood: silly

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 06 May 2001 @ 02:15 PM

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Categories: Journal
 05 May 2001 @ 4:04 PM 

I love Texas. I suppose it’s the same anywhere with a strong cultural identity, but I’ve spent more time in Texas than anywhere but California and Korea, so I’ll fixate on Texas.

There is a common phrase heard by anyone not from the South, when we are visiting Texas: “Where y’all from?” With major emphasis on the from, naturally.

My best “Where y’all from” story is one from a couple years ago. I was stationed in Texas, as an instructor at the intel school. (No, military intelligence is not an oxymoron, you cretin. Come up with a more original slam, ok?) We instructors would often go out to dinner together, when we were working evenings. This particular night, we went to the Catfish Corner nearby. Oddly, the Catfish Corner is not on a corner, and in fact is not even in sight of any street corners. But, it is alliterative.

So, we go to the catfish restaurant (and restaurant is a generous description), noting as we arrive that they are having an all-you-can-eat special on catfish and quail. I don’t eat enough to ever feel that “all-you-can-eat” is a good deal, but a couple coworkers did. So, Chip asks what quail tastes like, since his Ohio-born self had never tried such a delicacy.
“It tastes like dove,” replied the waitress, pronouncing dove in a way nearly impossible to describe in mere roman letters, but something like “du-uhve”. Extra long, with some breathiness in there.
“And what does dove taste like?” quipped friend Chip, while visions of the bird of peace bounced in my head.
“Where y’all from?”

It had never occured to her, apparently, that there was anyone who had never actually tried eating doves. Go figure.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 May 2001 @ 04:04 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 05 May 2001 @ 11:07 AM 


Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 May 2001 @ 11:07 AM

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Categories: Journal
 05 May 2001 @ 9:22 AM 

OK, here I am, spouting about one of the few things I actually am an expert on for a change.

When you design your websites, or your LJ styles, here’s a very important thing to remember. Ready? OK, here we go…
Do not hard-code a specific point-size for your fonts.
Do you know how terribly annoying it is to change the font size setting and see no change? Maybe 8-point Arial Narrow is readable on your monitor, but I don’t run at 640×480, so 8-point fonts are TINY. The HTML standards include standard sizes, such as 1, 2, 3 or even relative sizes, such as +1 or -3. Please use them. Those folks running in a high resolution, as well as people with worse eyesight, will be very grateful.

Otherwise, I end up with two options: squint at the microscopic font, or discard all server font info and run every page in my fonts. Well, I LIKE other folks’ typography, just not itty-bitty fonts. Go look at some HTML primers, and stop using “8-point” as a font size.

/rant off

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 May 2001 @ 09:22 AM

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Categories: Geek
 05 May 2001 @ 8:54 AM 

So, the FBI finally announced how often the infamous Carnivore email-snooping program has been deployed. During a 10 month period, they used it 13 times. Some civil liberties reactionaries.. er, groups claim that is too frequent. How often did they run wiretaps? Bet it’s more. Why are you more worried about email than phone taps? Or is it just the allure of the new? Seriously, most people are boring, so don’t worry about the FBI and the NSA snooping on your email: nobody wants to read it, including many of the recipients. Deal with it.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 Apr 2006 @ 10:17 AM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Further proof that most people are dull
Categories: Civil Liberties, Journal
 05 May 2001 @ 8:48 AM 

OK, so, when going to the US name generator, I discovered that, although my family name has been in the US since 1640 (130 years before there was a US), it’s not American enough. I guess we just have to breed faster. I am now Robert Greer.
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 May 2001 @ 08:48 AM

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Categories: Journal
 04 May 2001 @ 11:30 PM 

To further prove my propellerhead status, I’ve been playing with my stats output. Yep, Added a graph and still made the HTML smaller. Pruned down the list of requested files, and added a graph showing where people are coming from.

Here’s a shocker: most folks are coming from LiveJournal to my site. A few months ago, most of my visitors came from Winfiles, but CNET has killed the site and not reinstated all the files that were listed there. So, my Linux Theme and startup screen have not been getting a lot of hits lately. Tux is lonely.

On my personal stats output (still huge, yes Corto), I find that the most popular PART of LJ that visitors are arriving from is (drum roll please) NakedParts. Go figure. Not that I’ve posted many nekkid pix there, but I guess my witty commentary is hard to avoid. My host has told me I may be charged 5 or 6 bucks next month for my profligate bandwidth usage. I think I can afford it. heh

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 May 2001 @ 11:30 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Bad spellers of the world, untie!
Categories: Journal
 04 May 2001 @ 9:33 PM 

OK, so I’ve finally gotten around to getting Mensa membership. Why did I do it, you ask? It looks good on a resume. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.

Why did I put off doing it for the past 15 years? Every Mensa member I know is an arrogant pain in the ass. So far as I can tell, the entire point of the organization, besides being able to tell people how wonderfully brilliant you are, is to make sure your kids are raised to be equally brilliant. It’s some freakin’ eugenics experiment, I swear.

I have absolutely no intention of ever going to a meeting, and don’t plan to submit any articles for their newsletter. Am I being a self-serving hypocrite? Well, probably, but at least it will be one more line on a resume. Self interest uber alles.

I really need to go to bed.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 12:15 PM

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Categories: Geek, Journal


 04 May 2001 @ 9:16 PM 

I have way too much time to waste. I’ve been spending it surfing through Live Journal. Seems reasonable to me.

Apparently, there is some requirement to post a long, interesting only to you, rambling kind of online conversation log in your journal every so often. I’m not sure, but it seems to be mainly observed by the high-school and college-age folks, with an occasional older person posting. Um, why?

I would think that the person on the other end of that private chat usually doesn’t expect you to archive and share that conversation with all and sundry. Perhaps I’m wrong in some cases, but I’d be willing to bet that most of the folks who have posted 300 lines from an AIM log file didn’t ask if it was ok to share.

If you shared someone’s personal snailmail, or recorded a phone conversation for the amusement of others, wouldn’t you find that rude? Are there different standards of civilized conduct online compared to the real world?

Do I need to get some sleep?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Oct 2005 @ 10:49 AM

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Categories: Journal
 03 May 2001 @ 5:45 PM 

This album has been on constant re-play in my car the past few weeks. Well, ok, I did play a little Fuel and Prodigy occasionally, but “Bohemian Like You” has gotten MAJOR airplay…

How can you argue with lyrics like, “Itsy bitsy teeny weenie, ridin’ up your butt bikini” woohoo!
current_music: Dandy Warhols – Horse Pills
current_mood: happy

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 May 2001 @ 05:45 PM

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Categories: Entertainment


 03 May 2001 @ 4:28 PM 


Cam’s up. In case anyone cares to see me surf and drink Pete’s

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 May 2001 @ 04:28 PM

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