07 Oct 2005 @ 10:21 PM 

As I was putting his lunch together Thursday morning, I noticed that the head of lettuce from Monday’s dinner was a tiny spike-like stump in the crisper.

What other five year-old sneaks lettuce to snack on? What a kid.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Oct 2005 @ 10:22 PM

Categories: Food, The Boy


Responses to this post » (4 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    Are you sure HE’S eating it? Maybe he’s leaving it outside for some sort of furry friend he hasn’t told you about yet. 😉

  2. Gary says:

    Oh, no – I’ve watched him inhale mass quantities. It’s odd, but how can any parent complain that their kid is eating too many veggies?

    “You put that carrot down this instant, young man! You finish your slab o’ beef before you get any more vegetables!”

  3. lysa says:

    Yeah, I guess that’s not really a complaint a parent should make. Marcella snacks on carrots and broccoli just because she likes them, so you know I’m not going to complain!

  4. […] I know I’ve never mentioned how unique my son is. Today, after eating some of the marvelous, only available one month a year, Pecos Sweet cantaloupe ice cream, he lectured me about how important it is to eat hand-made food instead of machine-made. He even generalized to say that hand-made things are better than machine-made things. […]

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