25 Mar 2005 @ 10:07 AM 

I recently ordered a Rio Karma, which the nice young Airman at the Security Office said would be just fine to bring into work, so long as I stopped off in his office and got a little orange sticker that said just that first.

So, the marvelous device arrived last night, I put about 8 gigs of music on it, and brought it to work this morning. The civilian leader of the Physical Security Office said he saw no reason it wouldn’t be allowed in. But, just to be careful, he asked a Master Sergeant that works down the hall from him, who said it’s not on his list so I can’t have it.

Well, it has no recording ability, which is prohibited in the building. It has no wireless communications ability, so that’s ok. What’s wrong with it, I ask…

It has a communications port to hook up to a computer, he replies.

I won’t.

How do I know that?

The same way you know that my coworker with the Palm Tungsten E won’t – have me sign a sworn statement and assume I’m not a shit.


Thank you so much for allowing me to waste 180 dollars and thanks for ensuring that everyone is working from the same set of standards. I appreciate all that you do here. Have a great day.

Everyone has prejudices. We all have certain groups of people we don’t like to interact with. My particular bias is against stupid people. Sadly, the association with military personnel affords me too many opportunities to interact with stupid people.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Mar 2005 @ 10:08 AM

Categories: Military, Personal


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. Mark says:

    The Rio Karma doesn’t work as a mass storage device, you need a special program to be able to add files. Mass storage devices just plug and play. This may help, as you _can’t_ just hook its communications port up to a computer. This is something that some people don’t like, but may help in your case.

  2. Gary says:

    Sadly, the bureaucratic-minded GI has solidified his recalcitrant position against logic and sanity. No chance, no way, no how. He doesn’t understand technology at all, so informing him of the limitations of the Karma which render it innocuous is pointless. Magic box, bad.

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