I can’t wait to hear what the vast right-wing conspiracy has to say about this one…
International team to monitor presidential election
A spokesperson for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said, “The U.S. is obliged to invite us, as all OSCE countries should.”
Now, this brings to mind two issues – civil rights and sovereignty. On one side, folks will say we need an unbiased outside party to doublecheck certain areas (like, say, Florida?) to ensure that all eligible voters are allowed to vote freely. On the other side, doesn’t this at least lean toward giving some of our hard-won sovereign powers to an outside political organization?
It turns out to be a compromise, really – the Dems wanted the U.N., while the Reps wanted nobody. So they get the OSCE instead. Not sure how we belong to an organization whose stated goal is to deal with things in Europe, but apparently the group just needs a new name.