Just found LOW MORALE, thanks to
I like to listen to 102.1 THE EDGE because the local radio stations suck ass. So tonight, I’m listening and a voice keeps breaking through. Apparently one of the internal comm lines is patched into the mixer board and they haven’t noticed it is being broadcast. Maybe it is only being sent on the net so nobody has complained. Weird. Anyway, I moved over to 91X instead. 🙂
Where is this thriving economy exactly? I don’t know what Greenspan and friends can do to fix it, but the past six months of stock market activity doesn’t make things look good for Bush in November. That record-breaking oil price ain’t so good either.
Good thing we’re in the middle of such a strong economic recovery, hmmm?
From a recent Lou Dobbs commentary:
Bush and Kerry have mostly offered similar policy positions on the most divisive issues of our time.
Both have supported nearly identical plans for winning the war in Iraq. Bush and Kerry also agree on preserving tax breaks for the middle class, demanding greater accountability from our nation’s educators, immigration reform and limiting government spending in an effort to cut the deficit in half by the end of this decade.
What I find interesting is the disconnect between what they say and what they do. Kerry voted to help the President fast-track free trade agreements that Kerry now claims should be looked at more closely. So why did you shirk your responsibility to force that closer look, Senator?
The President, on the other hand, has the gall to claim that he wants to reduce government spending, when he’s increased government spending a record amount so far.
Fool me once…