According to some people, Wesley Clark’s opinions while employed by CNN are tantamount to treason. I decided to do some research and find these traitorous statements myself. Here’s what I found:
h3. Apr 5, 2003
bq. “U.S. troops met them face-to-face and slugged it out. The U.S. troops were within range of their weapons, and the Americans were *just better.* They are actually moving forward. They’re finding the enemy. They’re bringing fire against them.”
h3. March 25, 2003
bq. The scenario of a quick coalition victory in Iraq is “not going to happen,” according to retired U.S. Army Gen. Wesley Clark, a CNN analyst and former NATO supreme allied commander. “The simple fact is that the liberation didn’t quite occur. They didn’t uprise,” Clark said.
h3. January 2003
bq. “Those predictions are incredibly overoptimistic,” he said. “What we have to be prepared for is an indefinite stay in Iraq, at least 100,000 people there for the first year or two, *several billion dollars a month in costs*, continuing frictions and problems politically as a result of this, some casualties on a monthly basis coming out as Arab sentiment rises, and a deepening resentment of Americans from this war. ”
Now, I may be exceptionally dense, but I didn’t find anything in those statements that offered aid or comfort to the enemy. He made it clear that the war and followup would take time and money. He also made it clear that the American military can and will be victorious against any foe, no matter how devoted or fanatical they may be.
I particularly noticed that his statement in January, 2 months before the war began, sound especially prescient.
Talking to coworkers who are Southwest Asian experts, I find much the same sentiment. The war was begun with insufficient preparation to win the peace. For other traitors, see General(R) Shinseki, former Secretary of the Army White…