If you are currently linking to any of the Thoughts on my site, you should look for the new URL. I’ve finished rearranging them all in a lot less time than I expected. Hooray for cut and paste!
If you read this blog via LJ syndication, you may notice a lot of excess posts in the coming days. These are due to my site rebuild. I’m moving the Random Meandering Thoughts archive into the main body of the weblog. There are two benefits to this. First, I no longer have to manually maintain the archive, as it will be merged into the SQL database with the rest of the entries. Second, visitors to the site will be able to find things in the Thoughts archive via the convenient little search tool on the main page (also due to it being in the SQL database).
Of course, there are many links to the Thoughts pages I have posted, so I’ll have to keep them up for a while and then start putting in server redirects to the most popular entries. Fun with geek stuff.