31 Oct 2003 @ 6:07 AM 

This is not exactly news, is it?
N. Korea regime unstable: defector

Hwang Jang-yop, an 81-year-old former secretary of North Korea’s ruling Worker’s Party and secretary of foreign affairs, told members of the House Policy Committee, “the regime, albeit it takes great pains to show us it is stable, is in fact profoundly unstable.”

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Oct 2003 @ 06:07 AM

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Categories: News
 28 Oct 2003 @ 9:25 PM 

Good stuff today:

* Calzones turned out good, and the garlic/cheese breadsticks were ok.
* My computer didn’t reboot spontaneously all night.
* All my homework is caught up.
* My midterms have come back and I rock.

Bad stuff today:

* Forgot to take the svoulaki to work, so was forced to resort to a Butterfinger bar for lunch.
* Computer reboots still not solved.
* The new school week begins tomorrow, with more homework.
* I’m out of Ben & Jerry’s.

Seriously, those calzones were yummy. Someone did complain that it needed more cheese, but there was quite literally no more room in the shell. And it was over half cheese anyhow (parmagianno regianno, mozarella, and ricotta).

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Oct 2003 @ 09:25 PM

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Categories: Personal
 27 Oct 2003 @ 6:38 AM 

Libertarians Pursue a State of Their Own

Because our political system makes the tiny state of New Hampshire disproportionally important every four years, a bunch of libertarians want to take over the state and play with the political process. This should prove interesting.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Oct 2003 @ 06:38 AM

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Categories: News
 25 Oct 2003 @ 9:01 PM 

The Onion | Muscleman Put In Charge Of World’s Fifth-Largest Economy

Political observers are struggling to understand exactly how, on Oct. 7, Arnold Schwarzenegger, an Austrian-born, movie-star muscleman with no political experience, was elected to govern the state of California, the world’s fifth-largest economic region.

“There were, in fact, figures from the pornography industry on the ballot who were better equipped to lead than the muscleman,” Gergen added. “A major adult-magazine publisher who could claim not only leadership and business experience, but also a working knowledge of First Amendment law, was in the running. The fact that the pornographer received only 15,454 votes is confusing, in light of the muscleman’s victory.”

Research conducted by equally confused political analysts failed to produce any evidence to suggest that the bodybuilder has ever held political office. The muscleman has not presided over any unions, boards, or committees, nor has he displayed any public-service ambition of any kind.

The governor-elect’s policies are said to be centrist-conservative, although it’s difficult to confirm this, as the beefy actor has offered only a few words regarding his plans for California’s future.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Oct 2003 @ 09:01 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 25 Oct 2003 @ 5:00 PM 

GOP to put challengers in black voting precincts

Jefferson County Republicans intend to place Election Day challengers at 59 voting precincts in predominantly black neighborhoods, a move that NAACP leaders yesterday called blatant intimidation.

The GOP election workers, most of whom live outside the targeted precincts in western and central Louisville, Portland and Newburg, will be on hand to challenge voters who they suspect aren’t eligible.

Jefferson County GOP Chairman Jack Richardson IV said the precincts were chosen at random or because the Republican Party has had trouble finding registered voters in those areas to serve as election workers. […] Richardson said the precincts weren’t chosen because of their racial makeup or voting patterns.

Yeah, right. It’s a complete coincidence. Sure…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Oct 2003 @ 05:00 PM

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Categories: News


 25 Oct 2003 @ 4:46 PM 

That’s “Yet Another Insult Generator” for those acronym-challendged. The Arabian Random Insult Generator is the latest in a long-running series of gags online that help you fill up your fortune file (non-Unix people please ignore).

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Oct 2003 @ 04:46 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 19 Oct 2003 @ 9:32 PM 

The coolest thing to come of Cafepress’s foray into on-demand publishing is the Sinfest book. Who’s yer deity?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Oct 2003 @ 09:32 PM

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Categories: Entertainment
 19 Oct 2003 @ 10:10 AM 

Bush orders officials to stop the leaks

Concerned about the appearance of disarray and feuding within his administration as well as growing resistance to his policies in Iraq, President Bush–living up to his recent declaration that he is in charge–told his top officials to “stop the leaks” to the media, or else.

News of Bush’s order leaked almost immediately.

Bush told his senior aides Tuesday that he “didn’t want to see any stories” quoting unnamed administration officials in the media anymore, and that if he did, there would be consequences, said a senior administration official who asked that his name not be used.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Oct 2003 @ 10:10 AM

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Categories: News
 15 Oct 2003 @ 5:32 PM 

Come on! One week after installing two critical updates which are required to keep crackers and malicious bastard code from invading my computer, I get an alert that four more critical updates are waiting. How many damned patches on top of patches does XP have by now, anyhow?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 Oct 2003 @ 05:32 PM

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Categories: Geek
 10 Oct 2003 @ 11:28 AM 

Suncomm claims shift key violates their intellectual property rights

It’s astounding. Suncomm is going to sue the fellow I mentioned the other day. They claim that telling people to hold the SHIFT key is a violation of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, and that the perpetrator of this crime has disseminated information which facilitates infringement. Said Suncomm CEO Peter Jacobs, “This cat-and-mouse game that hackers and others like to play with owners of digital property is over.”

Yep, it’s amazing that he wrote this felonious paper which tells people that the Suncomm copy protection system simply doesn’t work. OK. The article also mentions that the author of the article came to false conclusions about the efficacy of the technology. Let me get this straight. It either works, in which case you can’t claim he came to false conclusions. Or it doesn’t work, in which case you can’t claim that it is infringing on any damned thing. You can’t have it both ways, Suncomm.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jun 2006 @ 07:38 PM

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Categories: Copyfight, News
 10 Oct 2003 @ 6:08 AM 

Quislibet has posted a Latin translation of one of the classics of West Coast rap. Here’s a quick excerpt:

magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri.
quis enim, consortes mei, non fateatur,
cum puella incedit minore medio corpore
sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos
virtute praestare ut velitis, notantes bracas eius

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Oct 2003 @ 06:08 AM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 08 Oct 2003 @ 5:03 PM 

The latest copy-impairment technology, MediaMax CD3, is easily defeated by the expedient of holding the SHIFT key while inserting the disk in your computer. It is even easier if you use Linux. Just put the disk in the drive. That’s it.

The music industry claims they are unconcerned because they are only expecting to stop the casual copiers and have no hope of stopping the true technological wizards that can bypass their security at will. Yes, you too can be a computer geek. Just hold SHIFT and rip away.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Oct 2003 @ 05:03 PM

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Categories: Geek
 08 Oct 2003 @ 4:56 PM 

The Official Blog of the campaign to reelect the President. Way to go Movable Type! Yes, there is an RSS feed for ubergeeks.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Oct 2003 @ 04:56 PM

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Categories: Political
 08 Oct 2003 @ 6:23 AM 

According to the California Recall lineup, Arnold will be the new governor for our most populous state. Maybe now he’ll finally get around to producing more than vague statements using movie references. Perhaps, if they’re lucky, he’ll be a good leader, the moderate he seems to be.

Of course, I’m disappointed that Mary Carey only got 9500 votes. Amazingly, Arianna Huffington, who pulled out of the race, got 1 percent of the total ballots.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 08 Oct 2003 @ 06:23 AM

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Categories: Political
 07 Oct 2003 @ 8:37 PM 

Just came across this tutorial on integrating Gallery into Movable Type. The author has done a pretty neat job of making the look and feel of his MT main page flow into his gallery. Of course, since I have a bunch of different backgrounds for my Gallery, I’ll probably not do this. But, if anyone else wants to give it a whirl…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Oct 2003 @ 08:37 PM

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Categories: Geek
 07 Oct 2003 @ 4:54 PM 

German Bar Offers Day Care for Men – offering two beers and a meal for 12 bucks is good enough. Throw in some video games, and who wouldn’t want to go?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Oct 2003 @ 04:54 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 06 Oct 2003 @ 10:33 PM 

Oktoberfest pictures are up. Strangely enough, there is not a single picture from the Oktoberfest itself. You’d think we’d have found something to shoot, but apparently we didn’t.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 17 Sep 2007 @ 04:17 PM

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Categories: Site News
 05 Oct 2003 @ 10:02 PM 

The Blogger Boobie-Thon for Breast Cancer – Really, what else is there to say?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Oct 2003 @ 10:02 PM

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