29 Aug 2003 @ 9:40 AM 

According to Philadelphia Inquirer, Disney is planning to kill off their traditional animation and transition to a CG-only shop. Some folks are decrying this as the end of an entire artform. Michael Eisner has declared that 2-d is dead, so that’s a pretty good indication of the direction Disney will take.

Considering that the only big money-makers for the house of mouse in the past decade have been from Pixar (all computer-generated), it’s understandable that Disney sees the winds changing. Of course, the fact that the studio lost around a hundred million bucks on Treasure Planet may have been the final nail in the traditional 2-D coffin.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Aug 2003 @ 09:40 AM

Categories: Entertainment


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    Then again, let’s not discount Leelo & Stitch, which did VERY well at the box office. It’s not that Disney needs to give up on traditional animation, it’s that they need to find fresh stories people actually want to go SEE.

  2. Gary says:

    True, Lilo and Stitch did so well they’re bringing a Disney Network television show to market. But, look at their biggest hits of the past ten years or so. The suits are undoubtedly looking at one thing: the correlation to the type of animation and earnings. Every Pixar movie has done well. Some traditional animation has done well. In pointy-haired-boss land, that means that computer-generated movies do better as a whole compared to pen-and-ink movies. The fact that the Pixar stories are better than most of the Disney-only stories seems to have slipped by them.

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