I’ve finally pinned down the problem with ugly fonts that I first noticed on BlooJanuary’s journal last year. I seem to have ugly Lucida fonts on my system. Check out the screenshot and tell me if anyone else has Lucida fonts that are ugly below 12 points or if there is something wrong with my fonts.
The same is visible on Lucida Sans as well. Since few web pages use fonts of 18 points or higher, anyone who uses Lucida fonts looks like an amateurish mess on my computer. What’s up with that?
Hmmm. I can’t say I’ve ever seen that before, although I do seem to have those installed. Weird.
It’s very weird. I believe it is the fault of a Java runtime installation, since the parenthetical info gives it away like that. Why would Sun or IBM decide to replace a perfectly good font with something that sucks ass? I don’t understand at all.