04 Aug 2003 @ 10:45 AM 

Another great example of the Transportation Security Agency being a bunch of ill-trained idiots. A teenager had a note in his luggage which caused him to be charged with making a threat endangering the safety of airline travel. A note, folks.

So he’s 17 and writes a note, which he keeps in his checked bag, saying basically, “Keep out of my bag and go find bombs where they might actually be.” Oooh! He said “bomb” – he’s a terrorist!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Aug 2003 @ 10:45 AM

Categories: News


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  1. lysa says:

    Not dissimilar to my sister getting a warning from MSN when she and I were discussing 9/11 and terrorism, etc. Now, we’re saying things like “something has to be done about these terrorists”, or “next thing, they’re going to bomb the White House or Wall Street, etc”, and every time she’d use one of these “red-flagged” words, like bomb, terrorist, or anything related, MSN would pop up a warning that her conversation was being monitored, and that basically, she’d be reported as a terrorist if she kept it up.
    Now, come on peope….are terrorists really likely to go online and call themselves terrorists? Or talk about planting/dropping bombs?
    Ummm…NO. They’re going to call themselves God’s Army, or Allah’s Children, or Freedom’s Saviors, and use terms for bombs like “spiked hamsters” or something equally weird and vague. These people didn’t mastermind the WTC by being stupid.

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