26 Mar 2003 @ 10:17 PM 

Think it’s subversive enough?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Mar 2003 @ 10:17 PM

Categories: Funny Stuff


Responses to this post » (9 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    I might, if I remembered who the dickens Che Guevara is, and why he’s important. :-/

  2. AndySocial says:

    OK, fine. Look it up. Google is your friend.

  3. lysa says:

    You’d think it would be that easy, wouldn’t you? But all I get is fan sites that say he was an “amazing visionary and crucial revolutionary”, stuff like that. And that tells me what, exactly? Hmm, this requires more work….wait, am I THAT concerned about this?

  4. lysa says:

    Showoff. ;-)~

  5. AndySocial says:

    Oh, c’mon. Google sure had a hard time with the search terms “Che Guevara” Biography was tough. Bad geek, bad!

  6. lysa says:

    Ahhhh, piss off. 😉
    I was off my game.

  7. chip says:

    I think Rage Against the Machine beat you to the punch on this one, but you’re still merchandising and they’re not, so good luck!

  8. AndySocial says:


    Everyone has appropriated Che’s image to make money. It’s ironic.

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