12 Mar 2003 @ 7:35 AM 

Here I am, in my new/old home. I’ve imported most of the Livejournal posts over from the past 6 months, and I’ll finish importing them all eventually.

For those wondering, yes, this does mean I’m not doing Userpics any more. Sorry, but I’ve got to pare down a few things if I want to make time for my family. One should never have to “make time” for the family – they should always be at the fore.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Mar 2003 @ 07:35 AM

Categories: Personal


Responses to this post » (5 Total)

  1. Rillifane says:

    I’m a bit confused. Why is it easier to do a blog than to use LJ? Isn’t it more work rahter than less?

  2. AndySocial says:

    It is a bit more work, yes. It also reduces the temptation to wander around LJ until I get hit in the head with a frying pan. There are pluses and minuses to running it on my own server. The big things that make LJ unique are the various groups you can put people in to allow simpler posting and viewing, and the simple aggregation page (friends view). But, since I don’t intend to view many journals, the grouping and friends pages are both of limited interest.

    Who knows, I may decide to give up Movable Type and return to LJ, but for now….

  3. lysa says:

    Once you get everything all set up, and get used to using it, I think you’ll like a movable type blog a lot. It’s just so painless to use. None of the issues of LJ. 🙂

  4. AndySocial says:

    Yeah, yeah. That’s what you’ve been telling me. But I just spent a good deal of time going back and erasing “friends-only” entries that I don’t want the whole world to know about, so I’m already wondering.

    Meanwhile, check out the site – I’ve already transitioned my main page to MT, with my normal stylesheet. I rool!

  5. lysa says:

    I had noticed, I’ve already updated my links to go straight to your blog/homepage instead of ever going to LJ. It’s very clean, I like it. 🙂
    As for erasing things….what do I keep telling you? The initial set up is a pain, sure. It’s ONCE YOU’RE DONE that it’s awesome and easy.

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