16 Oct 2002 @ 5:18 PM 

Citibank has got to have the most annoying automated systems on the planet. I know they are a large company, and therefore need to use automation to make their workload manageable, but come on!

In February, we moved into the house and we somehow misplaced the Citibank bill and so missed a payment. They automatically kicked in the “penalty rate” which meant our 9% card went to 24.99%. In the old days (like 1995), you could call a company, they’d say, “Well, you have a perfect payment history and a six thousand dollar balance, so we’re making all kinds of money from you. We won’t fuck you after all.” When talking to these chuckleheads, though, they said there was nothing they could do. FMITGA.

Now, after much financial legerdemain, I ended up with a balance due which is larger than the credit limit. This is, of course, partially due their arbitrarily lowering my limit by 600 dollars, but that’s not important. The statement is dated 14 October, and it is two days later. It says the due date is 7 November. I got a call today from their automated collections machine telling me to call them. I call them and ask, “Is it past due?” No. “Then I’ll pay it when it is due.” This resulted in much back-and-forth in which the idiot on the other end claimed my statement (which is all-electronic now so I can’t refer to it when I’m on the phone with moron-girl) was dated 4 October, and that my two payments in this cycle actually paid on separate bills, so I need to give them money now. I ask again, “Is it past due?” The answer is still no, so I tell her that I have nothing more to say, and she says the automated calls will continue until I pay the bill. Well, I’ll pay it when my budget says I pay it, and that is in November, when the damned thing is DUE.

I’ve since looked at my online statement, it shows two payments on this statement, both applied to this billing cycle, and the statement date is 14 fucking October.

I have only one prejudice – I hate stupid people. I hate them with a passion not infinitesimal.
current_mood: pissed off

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 16 Oct 2002 @ 05:18 PM

Categories: Personal


Responses to this post » (3 Total)

  1. FC says:

    I know it’s been a while, but please feel free to stop by and share your frustrations at FuckCitibank.com — Thanks!

  2. me says:

    I agree wholeheartedly….

    they completely suck. They messed up my student loan years ago after they bought it,
    so when my HELOC was bought by them I cringed.
    Sure enough, I am re-financing my HELOC and they can’t for the life of them get the amount correct.
    Now they tell me I have a $500 pre-payment penalty – which when I looked at my ORIGINAL contract – does NOT exist.

    LOVELY. Now I have to pay it in order to get my new loan and then fight with them to get it back.

    They are evil. They like to fee people to death… it’s a pathetic way to do business.
    But I guess that’s what we should all expect from a HUGE multi-national corp.

    THEY SUCK!!!!

  3. These CITI/Clowns forced me into chapter 7 bankruptcy. I have two projects in Europe that will
    net me over $ 170,000 just after the first of the year … 2005.

    All of my other creditors said ‘OK’, with your 30 year history we see no problem with a two month

    CITIfuck said you must pay the balance by Monday or we will start litigation.

    I have found that cards I have held for years are now owned, controled, or billed by CITIfuck.

    Because of this one company, I was forced into chapter 7.

    I will spend as long as it takes making sure that this company goes down … my entire life if


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