03 Oct 2002 @ 9:33 PM 

I’ve got mad userpic skillz, yo!

Using Fireworks, that userpic is composed of 4 objects. The background is a bitmap, the star in the corner is a symbol that can easily be swapped with any other picture or color in one step, the text is editable, the purple box is editable. Coolio, eh?

I’m proud of myself, I’ve only made two of those “translucent box” things before and I’ve got it down to a quick-and-easy template now.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Oct 2002 @ 09:33 PM

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Categories: Geek
 03 Oct 2002 @ 1:30 PM 

When I asked someone on an icon group today the simple question, “Why do you prefer program A over program B?” I got told off and never got an answer. I realize that it is impossible to see the usual non-verbal cues to intent online, but how about if we all assume that people are not trying to be offensive when a statement could go either way?

I attempt to broaden my knowledge by asking for some information, and I don’t receive the information, just attitude. I still don’t know why she prefers program A over program B. If her reasons made sense, I might go through the learning curve of playing with a new program. Since she is apparently unable to form a response other than, “I am used to it so stop bugging me” I have no reason to think she even has thought about why she uses the tools she uses. That’s the way we’ve always done it is a silly way to make decisions. But, then I have noticed a remarkable lack of self-analysis among most folks online. I mean, other than the ones who do nothing but navel-gaze. 🙂
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Oct 2002 @ 01:30 PM

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Categories: Musings
 03 Oct 2002 @ 8:45 AM 

I’ve long given up on ever finding MTV playing music (wonder what the M stands for), but at least VH1 would play a good 1 or 2 hours of videos during their 24 hour day. Not any longer. They’ve replaced many of their usual music blocks with reruns of the Adam West version of Batman, and the Brady Bunch, and other crap TV from the late 60s and early 70s. This stuff was dreck in 1975, it’s dreck now. And, what is the relationship between these shows and a channel ostensibly devoted to playing Video Hits? I realize that their “Rerun Show” was a hit, but that doesn’t mean they need to replace the music with real reruns. Who is in charge of the logic behind cable programming?

Up next, the Home and Garden channel will play Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Animal Planet will play NASCAR races. Why let the viewers expect to find something on your station at all related to the name of the channel, anyway?
current_mood: annoyed

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Oct 2002 @ 08:45 AM

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Categories: Entertainment
 03 Oct 2002 @ 8:12 AM 

What is up with this dress?


Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Oct 2002 @ 08:12 AM

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