When I asked someone on an icon group today the simple question, “Why do you prefer program A over program B?” I got told off and never got an answer. I realize that it is impossible to see the usual non-verbal cues to intent online, but how about if we all assume that people are not trying to be offensive when a statement could go either way?
I attempt to broaden my knowledge by asking for some information, and I don’t receive the information, just attitude. I still don’t know why she prefers program A over program B. If her reasons made sense, I might go through the learning curve of playing with a new program. Since she is apparently unable to form a response other than, “I am used to it so stop bugging me” I have no reason to think she even has thought about why she uses the tools she uses. That’s the way we’ve always done it is a silly way to make decisions. But, then I have noticed a remarkable lack of self-analysis among most folks online. I mean, other than the ones who do nothing but navel-gaze. 🙂
current_mood: amused