27 Sep 2002 @ 11:01 AM 

Computer reviewers should really know of what they speak before writing an article as an expert in the field. From an article on Lindows:

The KDE desktop looks and feels like Windows, with a few exceptions. You have to double-click an icon on the desktop to get it to open, but only single-click an icon in the toolbar to get the same result.

Now, forgive me if I’m dense, but on the equivalent of the “toolbar” in Windows, the Quicklaunch Toolbar, do you single-click or double-click? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
current_mood: cynical

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Sep 2002 @ 11:01 AM

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Categories: Geek
 27 Sep 2002 @ 8:19 AM 

  1. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind? Read, play simplistic video games.
  2. What do you do the moment you get home from work? Look at the answering machine, hit CTRL-E to download email.
  3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells? NONE of them.
  4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself? Alone, more often than not.
  5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don’t? Can’t think of anything. Some people don’t find making graphics relaxing, but they don’t count.

What is up with question #3? That doesn’t fit at all!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Sep 2002 @ 08:19 AM

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