04 Sep 2002 @ 2:20 PM 

While at the mall bookstore recently, I overheard a woman say things that just did not compute for me. She proclaimed, almost proudly, “I have not read a book since they made me in high school. I sometimes get through a magazine.” Then she went on to talk about how proud she was of her son, who was 14 but reading at an 11th grade level. Wonder where in the world he developed that skill?

I can’t imagine how empty life would be without books. I get the majority of my news online, and much of my interaction with friends from out-of-state. Yet, living in a world where my entertainment was exclusively from television or movies or the radio scares me. There’s a reason why people always claim the book is better than the movie – unless you’re a chucklehead, your imagination is much better than anything Lucasfilm can put on the screen.

Thanks mom.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004 @ 11:51 AM

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 04 Sep 2002 @ 12:23 PM 

Just came across a new buzzword (well, new to me anyway) – knowledge management.

Introductory KM article includes a basic definition of KM, discussion of intellectual assets, benefits from KM, challenges of KM, who should lead KM efforts, and technologies that can support KM.

Oh, geez. Just when CEOs have spun down from Six Sigma bullshit, they’re going to start subjecting people to Knowledge Management seminars? What color is your stupid freakin’ parachute?
current_mood: bored

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Sep 2002 @ 12:23 PM

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