Warning, here be spoilers…
Um, did they decide to just rehash every possible stereotype from the previous four iterations of Star Trek for this show?
And, must we introduce the “prototype” of every individual piece of technology seen in the other shows all during the pilot episode? Look, a “phase pistol” that has two modes: stun and kill. Oooh. Or, that newfangled transporter thingie that nobody trusts.
Hey, look, a cold emotionless Vulcan that turns out to have a heart of gold after all! Oh, my, whoda thunk it?!?
I particularly liked the strip-tease with the sexy Vulcan and the cretinous human in the shower/decon room. Yeah, baby, shake that pointy-eared thang!
Seriously, the show wasn’t bad, but they really need to let go of the baggage. Look at Andromeda or Earth: Final Conflict for examples of Roddenberry-inspired shows that aren’t exactly like the earlier Star Treks.