I have a package being delivered via UPS, which left Kentucky on the 25th, bound for Arizona. So, why, exactly, is the package now in Illinois? Is it being routed through Alaska next?
Yep, sure is cool to track packages on the web, although very frustrating. In San Angelo, I’d be able to watch the package arrive in Dallas on Monday and sit there for 3 days before it moved to San Angelo, where it would sit for at least one more day. Grrr…
current_music: Garbage – Silence is Golden
current_mood: annoyed
So, exactly why is it that so many people seem incapable of separating an email address from a person’s actual name? I’ve got a friend, named Aaron, who uses his initials for his website and consequently his user id on this system as well. His primary email address that he hands out is mail@hisdomain, yet people often think his name is Al. I have even more fun, since my domain is AndySocial, and I get people (who apparently are less endowed with a sense of humor than I had expected) emailing me as “Dear Andy” on occasion. Even better is when I email someone and they respond to “Andy” when my email return address is quite clearly “Gary Bunker (andy@andysocial.com)”. Makes you wonder how smart you don’t need to be in order to operate a computer nowadays. Twits.
current_music: Everlast – Children’s Story
current_mood: cold
The Wall Street Journal today has an editorial piece bidding farewell to that “Great Jacksonian” (sic) Jesse Helms. They believe that he should be lauded for his achievements during the civil rights battles of the 60s. Helms’ great achievement is that, when blacks in the 60s attempted to assert their civil rights, Helms was not, unlike previous Southern erstwhile segregationists, “directly and openly involved in the murder of black political leaders.” Wow, what a big-hearted tolerant fella he is, eh?
current_music: Travis – Why does it always rain on me?
current_mood: cold
Well, I was planning to put up some KMFMS shirts and such on my site, but I’ve since found out that someone beat me to it years ago. And here I was thinking I was clever and stuff. I’d hate to tread on someone else’s toes, so what should I add? Anyone have a suggestion for something rude and nasty, and maybe even not military-related? 🙂
current_mood: annoyed
OK, as threatened earlier, the Andy Social Antisocial paraphenilia emporium is now open for business. So far, we’ve got three shirts, and that’s just because I’m on vacation prepping for my upcoming nuptials, so I’m away from keyboard bigger than shit this week.
current_mood: accomplished
OK, just for fun, I’ve built a Cafepress Storefront. Origami Swag has a variety of items with logos and slogans appropriate for those of us who enjoy folding paper into intricate forms.
Next week, the Andy Social Antisocial Store. or something. Thinking of the KMFMS t-shirt, and “It’s not just a job, it’s an indenture” stuff.
According to the new stats page on my site, the most popular search term is Rachbomb, finally beating out “smallest penis ever seen”. Bunch of damned perverts, I swear…
current_mood: amused