14 Sep 2001 @ 10:07 AM 

According to Jerry Falwell, the gays and liberals are at fault for the deaths of approximately 5000 people. Since Jerry also believes that the Teletubbies are gay, does that mean that children’s stuffed animals are terrorists? Radicals of any type are just repugnant.

A number of people are trying to get the U.S. into a very long war to eradicate all terrorist-friendly countries once and for all. That may very well be counter-productive. I notice that almost none of the people clamoring for war have ever been near one.

Conversely, there are a rather strident group of folks that think we should turn the other cheek and take our lumps as a deserved response to our imperialist ways. WTF?
I also note that none of these obnoxious twits have been in combat, nor even served the country which they take such pleasure in trashing while simultaneously sucking up all the advantages inherent in American life. To those people, I’d like to say, “Fuck you. You don’t get a vote until you have volunteered to go in the line of fire to defend your way of life.”Not every soldier has been called into battle, but every one of us that enlisted in the military knew that was on the option list. So, until you can say the same, your opinion on when we should risk our servicemembers’ lives is worth a lot less than you might like.
I know this makes me sound a bit too much like the ever provocative , but we agree on a few things at least.
current_music: Pearl Jam – Jeremy
current_mood: grumpy

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Oct 2007 @ 07:43 AM

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