From the wonderful Sinfest, this hilarious monologue…
Simple is beautiful. The masters of any given field always go back to the basics, the fundamentals, the bare essentials of their craft. The fancy stuff is nice, but the real cool shit is minimalist. Drum and bass. Color and light. Meter and rhyme. And the works that grab us are usually built on the simplest of concepts–a love song, the hero myth, the afterworld. Of course, this is not recommended for all professions, like say, medicine. If I ever go under the knife, I don’t want some quack trying to go “minimalist” on me. I’ll be in pain cuz he won’t give me any drugs, and he’ll be like, “Hey, I’m retro.” Or pilots. Those guys definitely shouldn’t be getting too avant garde. “Attention. This is your pilot speaking. I thought I’d break down my craft to its bare essentials. Hold on, everybody.”