Anyone have a good webhost suggestion? Mine (Virtualave) seems to be a little flaky at times. Currently, any externally linked file returns a 403 (Forbidden) error, although no such error was in evidence yesterday.
This may seem reasonable, if there were banner ads on my site that subsidized my bandwidth usage. There aren’t. I pay for my hosting, there are no ads that I’m circumventing by posting a picture of a cake on my LJ, and I even pay for excess bandwidth usage (3 bucks last month, a bit more this month).
So, I’m considering moving to a different host, if the spurious 403 error becomes a corporate policy instead of a bug. Let me know what’s a good, relatively cheap host. I’m paying about US$100/year now.
Update: Virtualave, with no email yet in response to my (quite bitchy) query into the reason for this random failure, has now resumed functioning normally with regard to external links. Whatever.
current_music: Tricia typing
current_mood: annoyed