I’ve always been a bit smug about my lack of PC viral infections. I scoff when people make the assumption that, when their computer acts a little weird, it’s a virus. I’ve been infected by one virus, and (until this week) only received three in the last 15 years that I’ve been online. Since I’m an online whore, that indicated to me that viruses are much less common than the tech news guys would like you to believe. Of course, I’m much more smug about the fact that I don’t use Outlook Express, which seems to be a petri dish for VBS virii and other fun stuff.
This weekend, I received 4 different emails (all from strangers to me, but addressed to webmaster@andysocial.com), all containing some variant on the theme:
I send you this file in order to have your advice.
Of course, Norton Antivirus popped up and killed the worm contained in the attachments from these email messages.
The W32.Sircam.Worm has hit me! Oh, no! Fortunately, the fix for this worm is pretty simple: don’t open strange attachments. And, if you must open them (curious monkey), go to Symantec’s info site to find out how screwed you may be.
Ah, the joys of computing…