21 Mar 2001 @ 12:56 PM 

I love small town mentality. For the past 3 years, I’ve lived in a city of 100 thousand people that seems to think it’s still a small town. Makes for some surreal things at times.

I want to make deposits at the ATM, much as I did in 1985 with my first bank account, and as I did in Korea and Tacoma and Boston. C’mon, I could deposit in KOREA! But, when asked about the possibility of making deposits someday in the ATM here in BFE, the response is generally vague and usually ominous. Today’s was the best:

“I wouldn’t if we ever allow it even. When I worked at the bank in Austin, they pulled an ATM out to replace it and found a deposit made 3 years earlier that had been lost all that time.”

Yeah, and ten years ago, Chicago postal workers burned mail rather than deliver it. Does that mean I shouldn’t use the postal service anymore? Mistakes happen, but I’ve never had a problem with an ATM deposit in nearly 20 years.

Another fun item: Banker’s hours. You have heard of them, but unless you are older than 40 or live in a tiny town, you think of them as quaint stories. Not here. Until Wells Fargo merged with Norwest, the local bank closed its doors at 3 pm every day, and was not open at all on Saturday. Coupled with the inability to make deposits at the ATM, people had to race around on lunchbreaks or take time off from work to deposit their paychecks. Duh?

I’m sure I’ll think of others soon enough. Where y’all from?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 21 Mar 2001 @ 12:56 PM

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