OK, here’s the universe laughing at me. About two weeks ago, I asserted that I would likely never wear my dress uniform again. Naturally, I’ve had to wear it again since then, and once more tomorrow. Very funny, Fates, very funny.
current_music: Ready for the World – Love You Down
OK, in order to enlighten anyone who would be foolish enough to read this webjournal without already knowing me (there must be someone), I like music. I like it a lot. I’ve just finished burning a couple more CDROMs of MP3s. After adding their track lists into my database, I find I have over 5000 songs in MP3 format, plus the hundreds of CDs that I actually own legitimately.
So, that explains the song lyrics that are strewn about. I listen to a lot of music, of varying genres. Some of it touches me, some of it moves my feet, and some of it I erase. 🙂
current_music: The Beatles – I Will
current_mood: contemplative