Everyone needs a theme song. I tried to use “New Man in Town” but that isn’t quite right. For a while it was “I’ll be Hating you for Xmas” but I’m feeling better now. 🙂
So, right now I’m themeless. For the longest time I could find a theme in Prince lyrics, but not today.
What’s your theme song?
current_music: Everclear – When it All Goes Wrong Again
Sunday –
OK, here we go. I believe I may have alluded to the fact that I’m attempting
to figure out this whole dating thing. There is something very wrong with dating
in the Naughty Aughties (Hey, somebody has to name this decade). Once upon a
time, guys got women’s phone numbers, and then failed to call the women. This
system seemed to work for years.
But, not today, oh no. With the rise of psycho stalker/rapist types, women
cling to their phone numbers more tightly than to their virginity. In exchange,
we dumb men get to wait by the phone and wonder.
Now, here are some of the excuses for being stood up I’ve heard in the relatively
short time I’ve been out and about, and my smartass responses that I wish I
had thought of at the time.
I forgot you |
I just called |
I left your phone |
So you’re just |
You must have |
But I just talked |
I didn’t see |
I was sitting |
So, women of West Texas, take this as a warning. I want new excuses. I’ve heard
these, so they shouldn’t work again. At least keep me entertained if you’re
going to be a schmuck.
I’ve had a couple conversations about the whole “she’s a 10” thing lately. Kind of odd, but I really don’t fit the stereotypical mold of “rating” women on a scale.
Can’t we just tell people we find them attractive, without having to compare them to previous people in our lives?
I have, however, spent a few hours playing on Am I hot or not lately.
And, when did the term “hook up” go from meaning meet to get some? It’s not right to redefine cliches on the fly like that…
current_music: Doug E. Fresh – The Show
Am I really unusual for not remembering most of my dreams?
It seems everyone else talks about what they did in a dream the previous night. I’ve remembered 3 dreams in the past year. And, one was just messed up, the other two romantic, but with two different women.
Oh, well, could be worse: could be sleepwalking. 🙂
current_music: Dramarama – Anything, Anything
Here’s a theory my friends and I have decided on…
If a woman has a tattoo in the small of her back (that’s just above the waist for you cretins), she is a freak. Who is going to see that tattoo except… well, you figure it out.
Naturally, this is in addition to the well-known theory of pierced nipples and navels on freaks. 🙂
current_mood: ornery
“El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles” can be abbreviated to LA. Is that the most efficient abbreviation known, or what?
current_music: Howard Jones – You Know I Love You, Don’t You?
current_mood: goofy
Finally, my domain has been migrated to VirtualAve! Now my email will forward, my website will not 404, and all is right with the world.
Oh, and the cheesecake I’m baking smells AWESOME! 🙂
current_music: Jean Knight – Mr. Big Stuff
current_mood: relieved
Anyone looking for AndySocial.com, please wait a day or so until all the Domain Name Servers have been populated. I’m changing to a new server, one with a good track record.
Freeservers sucks.
current_music: Everclear – When It All Goes Wrong Again
Here’s a first: the Error404 page on my site has more hits than the index page. I know that MY links are all good, but I guess some folks can’t type…
I thought I was INTJ last time I took the Kiersey test. Now, here are my results…
Portrait of the Protector Guardian (ISFJ)
All Guardians (SJs) share the following core characteristics:
Guardians like to see themselves as dependable, helpful, and hard-working.
Guardians make loyal mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders.
Guardians tend to be dutiful, cautious, humble, and focused on credentials and traditions.
Guardians are concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, seek security, prize gratitude, and dream of meting out justice.
so sad to hear that you don’t want to hang around with me
so lame to see you leave and to know that you believe that it’s over
stupid, stupid, stupid
in time you’ll learn to love me as much as you love yourself
cause when i feel the need to have you back by my side
i am sweet it makes me sick to know that i can be so blind
current_music: SR71 – Right Now
current_mood: tired
We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.
We have done so much for so long with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
current_mood: bored
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She’ll hear me out
And won’t easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she’ll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
current_music: Depeche Mode – Somebody (duh?)
current_mood: tired
OK, here’s the universe laughing at me. About two weeks ago, I asserted that I would likely never wear my dress uniform again. Naturally, I’ve had to wear it again since then, and once more tomorrow. Very funny, Fates, very funny.
current_music: Ready for the World – Love You Down
OK, in order to enlighten anyone who would be foolish enough to read this webjournal without already knowing me (there must be someone), I like music. I like it a lot. I’ve just finished burning a couple more CDROMs of MP3s. After adding their track lists into my database, I find I have over 5000 songs in MP3 format, plus the hundreds of CDs that I actually own legitimately.
So, that explains the song lyrics that are strewn about. I listen to a lot of music, of varying genres. Some of it touches me, some of it moves my feet, and some of it I erase. 🙂
current_music: The Beatles – I Will
current_mood: contemplative
Every day, just the same
Old rules for the same old game
All I gained was heartache
All I made was one mistake
Now the bed’s too big without you
Yep, I’ve got nothing to say and lots of spare time to say it. Just wandering through my thousands of songs…
current_music: John Waite – Missing You
current_mood: nostalgic
Be gentle with me
I’d never willingly
Do you harm
Are all you seem to get from me
It’s easy to make
The stupid mistake
Of letting go
Don’t say you’re happy
Out there without me
I know you can’t be
‘Cause it’s no good
I’ll be fine
I’ll be waiting patiently
Till you see the signs
And come running to my open arms
When will you realize
Do we have to wait ’till our worlds collide
Open up your eyes
You can’t turn back the tide
current_music: Depeche Mode – Singles
current_mood: tired
I’ll give you give candy, give you diamonds, give you pills,
Give you anything you want, hundred dollar bills,
I’ll even let you watch the shows you want to see,
Just marry me, marry me, marry me…
current_music: ricky martin – she bangs
current_mood: exhausted