09 Jun 2006 @ 8:51 PM 

What is with little kids thinking they must be missing out on something amazing when they go to bed but the adults (or in my case, adult) stay up?  The Boy used every delaying tactic in his arsenal tonight, after a really full day. He had to poop, he had to call mom, he had just five more minutes of the “Ed Edd and Eddy” episode to watch, he was starving and would perish in mere moments without more sustenance… Finally get him to bed 90 minutes past bed time, and he says, “I’m not even a little bit sleepy you know.”  Three minutes later – zzzzzzzzz.  Yeah, right, not even a little bit sleepy.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 09 Jun 2006 @ 08:51 PM

Categories: The Boy


Responses to this post » (7 Total)

  1. Vamphaerie says:

    They do it because they know they can. And because they know that all the really cool stuff doesn’t start happening until after they go to bed. Oh wait….you probably dont have a lot of cool stuff happening to you, huh? 🙂

  2. Gary says:

    Phbt! No more Mr. Nice Guy. 😉

  3. Vamphaerie says:

    Does that mean you’ll stop being helpful at work, or that you’ll start being mean? ?:/

  4. Gary says:

    I’ll leave it a surprise.

  5. Vamphaerie says:

    Great….that means youll probably do something computer-geeky like photoshop me into a dirty pic and post it on the net, or mess with my computer settings on Monday.

  6. Gary says:

    Hmmmm… that Photoshop idea has some merit. 🙂

  7. Vamphaerie says:


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